Live everyday as if it were your last, because in the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take. Are you living a life that is true to yourself?
Dream of being a legend? Here comes motivation! Get ready to show the world who you are. You are power. You are persistence. You are an Inspiration. You are...Legend! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
You've been brave and you've come out strong...Yes it's yet another year and a chance to start afresh. A time for new and revised resolutions, dreams and goals. Know your complete yearly horoscope for 2016...All that's important and everything in between.
I believe its the age of 25 when you're at the edge of your probable future i.e. it is at this point that you take the most important decisions of your life. Here's a list of 25 Important Things That I Learned While I
Hello my little angel. Guess what....We have a treat for your today, to make you smile like an idiot and kick the hell outta that bad day! So Smile! :)
These are images that will make the world cry together as one.