A picture is worth a thousand words, but not all pictures are created equal. These are powerful images that will melt your heart.
You don’t have to be born to have a legacy that lives on. Some fictional figures have made an indelible mark that rivals any living person. These are people who changed the world but never really lived!
Often we come across images that tend to reach the depths of our hearts and make us shed a tear or two. But these images are the epitome of heart-wrenching emotions. Moments so human yet so profound that they're bound to make you cry.
I believe its the age of 25 when you're at the edge of your probable future i.e. it is at this point that you take the most important decisions of your life. Here's a list of 25 Important Things That I Learned While I
Powerful ads that tell the uncomfortable truth. We care about animals...DO YOU?
A human face speaks a thousand words, a million emotions and it is the door to his heart.
These are images that will make the world cry together as one.