‘’Hindu Khatre Mei Hain’’ (Hindus are in Danger) That is the drum beat the Government of India has been playing in the country for quite some time now. In a country where 70% of the population comprises of Hindus, propagating such an ideology
Exploitation, abuse and misery: Is commercial surrogacy the new human trafficking? How science forced us to alter our perspective of motherhood.
Why is consent to intimacy in a marriage, still an issue that is widely neglected in India? Understanding marital rape and the arguments that it follows.
These aren't your boring black and white pictures from history class. These are amazing moments from the past that'll make you go Woaaaah Dude! ;)
Beauty is only skin deep.” Whoever came up with this line probably had never met an acid attack victim. Analyzing the true scenario of violence against women and the severity of hate crimes.
Places that are so beautiful, that they'll blow your freaking mind. Presenting the ultimate travel goals for 2016!
From beef to porn to the screening of Fifty Shades of Grey; it’s one 'bizzaro' list you just can’t miss!
Creepy just got even more creepier! Witness legends that will scare the hell out of you and mysteries that will leave you shocked. Yes...Believe it or NOT!
Nature has so much to offer that if we look through its beauty, we are sure to be star-struck...possibly forever. Presenting here are extraordinary places which are truly a paradise on Earth. Witness the most beautiful places in the world!