24 Red Pandas That Will Teach You How To Live Like a Boss
They are dynamic, they are vivacious and they make the rules. So you’d better write down some tips ‘coz Ain’t nobody messin’ with them
1. This cute little thief who’ll quite cleverly steal your food while you stand admiring his impossibly good looks
2. Or this workout freak who knows what the ladies want
That ladies totally dig the toned down sexy look
3. This lazy bone who knows how to get rid of those Monday Morning Blues – “Just keep swimming….just keep swimming”
4. This stubborn firm-head who will not give up till he gets what he wants
5. Or this panda who’s totally nailing this parenting thing
Totally nailing it
6. This rebel who will tear you down, dare you touch his sleep buddy
7. This ferocious one who’s enough to take down this pumpkin
8. This panda who’s taken the ‘Survival of the Fittest’ lesson quite seriously
9. …no food better that yours hun
10. Seriously…they’ll go to any height to get some food even if it means hanging on to yours
11. And they be like – “I ain’t done nothin’ sister, you’ve got the wrong guy”
12. They nap wherever they damn feel like…no one’s stoppin’ em
13. They rule the forest…literally
14. They’ll scare the smitten’s outta you…well…atleast they try
15. Or get terrified off their souls, when you plan to get back
“Scared? Who me? The floor was wet…I slipped…I wasn’t scared…Pffft”
16. They know how to get back on their feet once they tumble down
17. Look at the all f***’s they give
Ain’t no thing such as a bad day…YOLO
18. They know how to kill you with their winky winks
I dare you to say you aren’t charmed when this little fella winks at you. I DARE YOU.
19. Coz they got swag sister
20. They keep that fur grooming all year round
21. They know damn well how to get down with the ladies. Absolute charmers
22. They laugh like there’s no tomorrow
23. They are like two fluffy balls of happiness
24. Just plain AWESOME
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